Truck Camper Tips from Camp Site RVOne of the great benefits to camping in a truck camper is that you can take it virtually anywhere your truck can go. You won’t be weighed down by extra size and length that makes it difficult to get to those hard to reach vacation spots. But also, between the smaller RV and the possible boondocking, you’ll need to be more careful about how you plan your trips. That’s why Camp Site RV has provided you with some tips for traveling with your truck camper. Take a look to see which ones might help improve your prepping process and stop by our location in Cresco, Iowa for any additional help you may need. We proudly serve Cedar Falls, Iowa; Rochester, Minnesota; and La Crosse, Wisconsin.


If you’re traveling with a truck camper, you might also not like the idea of sticking to plans. We get it. Spontaneous adventures can make for great memories and experiences. However, there are some benefits to planning at least parts of your trip ahead of time.

Take for, example, if you do plan to stay at a designated campsite. During peak camping season, you'll probably run into some packed campgrounds. Everyone likes to enjoy the sun and take advantage of some well-earned vacation days. But that means you can’t guarantee a park will have room for you if you show up at the last minute looking for a place to set up. Getting an idea of where you’ll be every night can let you reserve campsites ahead of time so you won’t have to wander around in the dark looking for an open spot.

You might also want to consider getting an idea of which routes you’ll want to take. Your unit will be small enough that you probably won’t need to be careful about where you drive, but knowing your route can help you plan other things. You can check out weather patterns in the area and look for attractions and exciting stopping points that you would otherwise miss from the road.


Another important prep step to take is budgeting. Even if you’re trying to save as much money as you can, figuring out necessary expenses and setting aside the money for the trip should be a priority. This means figuring out how much money you’ll be spending on food, campground fees, gas, additional spending money, and more. You’ll also want to include an emergency fund for unexpected expenses, like truck repairs or medical emergencies. Outlining how you expect to spend your money in advance can help you decide if you can afford the trip you envisioned in your head and whether or not you need to make some adjustments to your spending habits.


Packing is generally a big priority for RV travelers in general. There’s usually a lot more supplies you’ll need to bring along, but you won’t want to take up too much room. Then again, if you’re going out to places fairly removed from your local convenience stores, then you’ll probably also want to make sure you don’t forget anything. One way to cover your bases is to start keep track of what you’ll need now. Every time you approach a task in your daily life, jot down what kinds of supplies you used to complete it. This should include things like dishware, cleaning supplies, and linens.

Your list at this point will probably be too long, but at least you’ll be able to cross off the things you don’t need. If you’re still struggling to get started, then consider downloading an RV app on your smartphone. These can come with a number of helpful features for RVers, including blank and pre-generated packing lists.

There may be other things you’ll want to plan for that we haven’t mentioned here. After all, no two camping trips are alike. But hopefully this gives you a head start. Just keep in mind where you’re going to be and what sorts of strategies will help you stay safe and still enjoy the trip, especially if you’re heading far out into the unknown. If you still need a truck camper to help you get there, then stop by Camp Site RV and we’ll show you around some of the models we have available right now. We’re in Cresco, Iowa, near Cedar Falls, as well as Rochester, Minnesota and La Crosse, Wisconsin.