When your camping trip is just around the corner, it can be easy to get frazzled with all the details and logistics to coordinate. Something as simple as a packing strategy can help keep you organized and alleviate the worry about forgetting a crucial item. We've gathered up some tips for packing the essentials for your RV trip below. It'll help you know what to bring, what to leave behind, and how to make the most of your limited camper space. If you want more camping tips or want to look at RVs for sale, visit Camp Site RV. You'll find our dealership in Cresco, Iowa. We also proudly serve those in Rochester, Minnesota and La Crosse, Wisconsin.


A great place to start is by planning your food. Since you'll be RV camping, odds are you won't be eating out every single meal. In fact, you may be somewhere remote enough that there won't even be a restaurant or grocery store in sight. You'll need to bring along plenty of food for everyone.

A meal plan can be a great organizational tool for packing your food. It'll help you know what you are eating and when so that you can bring enough ingredients. As you pick your meals, try to focus on simple recipes. If you cook meals requiring several pots and pans, you'll end up spending a lot of your vacation washing pots and pans.

Another helpful approach is to get several meals out of one cooking session. For example, cook a big batch of chicken and freeze it. Then serve several different meals with that chicken, but change the sauce. Make a barbecue sandwich one day, do a stir fry on the next, and so on. You can also double recipes to use leftovers for lunch the next day. The less time you spend in your camper kitchen, the more time you can spend in the great outdoors!

Cooking Supplies

To prepare all this great food, you'll need to stock your camper with the right supplies. Focus on packing durable and lightweight utensils. They need to be sturdy enough to handle the strain of travel and camping, but not take up too much space. You’ll also want to leave your expensive and specialty appliances at home. You don't want them to get damaged on the road! Plus, they take up valuable RV counter space. Keep it simple and minimalist for easy travel.


Each traveler will need to bring toiletries. But an RV can quickly get overrun with massive bottles of shampoo, soap, hair products, and so on. Try to use travel-sized versions of products whenever possible. After all, you don't need that giant bottle of conditioner if you'll only be gone a few days. A wide range of products come in camper travel friendly size, from contact solution to deodorant.

A Touch of Home

While you're camping, your RV is your home away from home. Make it feel that way with a little decoration. If you're camping with kids, packing their favorite toys or blankets can help them feel more at home. Put up pictures of friends and any pets you've left behind for the weekend. Decorate with souvenirs from your travels. Strategic packing of sentimental items can make your camper feel cozy and serene.

We hope you found these packing tips helpful! If you are looking to buy an RV, visit Camp Site RV. Our friendly staff can help you find the perfect camper for your needs. We  proudly serve those in Cedar Falls, Iowa; Rochester, Minnesota; and La Crosse, Wisconsin. Stop by and visit today!